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Design Challenge


A car rental service that delivers an engaging, convenient, and memorable road trip experience.

This case study was part of my curriculum at the University of Washington. We applied the principles of experience design to the future of car rental industry. Our problem statement was open ended and our exploratory research lead us to frame our design challenge. 

Project Overview 

My Role: User Research, Interaction Design, Information Architecture, Visual Design 

Team: Augustus Arthur, Rohan Chavan, Tony Tran

Tools: Figma 

Duration: 9 weeks, April - June 2019


Design Challenge

How can we provide an engaging, convenient and memorable road trip experience?                              


The current car rental experience focuses on ensuring the availability of cars and the feasibility of external services like car pick-up and drop-off. It doesn’t support car rental for specialized travel plans like long-distance road trips. In our research, we identified that long-distance road trip car renters value in-car experience and are always looking for solutions that can facilitate it. There exists no solution that facilitates in-car engagement and entertainment to provide meaningful travel experiences. In this project, we use the design thinking process to address this problem and design a user-centered product. 


Design Solution - Trypr!

Trypr provides a car rental service that supports long-distance road trips and facilitates in-car engagement. 

Trypr Features

We designed a paired application with Trypr Mobile App and Trypr In-Car Infotainment system which makes planning long distance road trips seamless, facilitates in-car engagement and captures emergent moments on the go! 

Trypr Mobile App 




Trypr provides a seamless and personalized online booking with full insurance coverage and transparent booking process. Users can complete the booking with complete peace of mind and direct their efforts to plan their travel adventures. 


Supporting Collaboration


Users can add their fellow travelers while booking. Trypr supports group collaboration by providing features like music syncing and photo sharing for the road trip.

Trypr In-Car Infotainment System


Collaborative Music Sharing 


Trypr curates music based on everyone's preferences by connecting to individual's spotify account. No more listening to random music or depending on aux cables during the travel. 

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Automated Cameras


Trypr provides the affordance to click pictures on the go with its 3 camera system with cameras placed in the front and both the sides of the car. Users can capture moments without the hassle of depending on phone cameras.

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Games and Trivia


In-car conversations play a vital role in making the road-trip experience lively and memorable. Trypr supports activities like trivia and 'friendship test' that boost the in-car engagement. 

Trypr In-Car Add-ons

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Goodie Bags â€‹


Passengers are welcomed with goodie bags when they first pick-up the car. Goodie bags contain personalized and essential items relevant to the trip like welcome kit, neck-pillows, napkins, water bottles, etc. 

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Voice Enabled Assistant 


Trypr supports smart voice assistance. This allows seamless interaction between trypr and all the passengers including the driver. No more struggling with the screen to find the right button.

Trypr Features
Design Process

Design Process

Coming soon! 


This project introduced me to Experience Designing. I learned that experience design when applied in the field of Human Computer Interaction during the design stages augments the impact technology can have on an individual’s psychological being. I also learned the importance of prioritizing secondary research in the initial stages of the study planning which helped us get a better understanding of existing solutions and prevent reinventing the wheel. Overall, this project covered almost the entire spectrum of the design domain, developing from phenomenology to customer experience, service experience, and information experience, thus, leaving me with a good understanding of various design processes that I can utilize as per the demand of my future projects. 


Other Projects


Roam - Private space lookup app 

How can we enhance human collaboration in open workspaces and shared environments? 


Roam - Private space lookup app 

How can we enhance human collaboration in open workspaces and shared environments? 

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Sejal Khatri Portrait

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